Citadel of Faith Covenant Church, The Lighted Cross

"For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.   
2 Corinthians 4:6 (KJV)

The Lighted Cross is an art installation developed for the Citadel of Faith Covenant Church.  It is made with a finished hardwood, incandescent lights, translucent fabrics, and iridescent paints.  It's designed to light and color it's sanctuary surroundings and create a spiritual ambiance that enhances worship and promotes praise and celebration.  

Click on the following video to explore artwork further

Conceptual Plans And Color Illustrations
Scroll down to explore artwork further

The Cross is centered in the lighted cove of the main stage. 

Surrounding lights are set from a control panel that allows for numerous variables in atmospheric lighting of the Cross and it's environment.

Floor inset up-lights vary the lighting options for the wall behind the cross creating a warm iridescent glow.

The Cross is approximately ten feet tall, six feet wide, and one and a half feet deep.

Each piece of hardwood is carefully cut, shaped and finished.

Then constructed to encase the lights that will radiate from with in.

The carefully cut scripture cut into the hardwood 
is illuminated from it's heart of interior light.

The heart of the Cross can be turned up to reveal the scripture that has been carefully cut into the hardwood.
The light of the Cross radiates out from the scripture 
and into it's surrounding space.

The Cross is surrounded by movable (they can be easily slid to the sides) translucent fabrics to capture the lighted scripture and enhance the light emanating from within.

Crafted translucent art fabrics shape the lighted figure of the risen Christ and controlled lighting allows for variations in brightness (or no figure at all).

A warm glowing background is painted with iridescent and metallic paints and lit from behind the cross.

The arched cove side-lights are also finished in iridescent and metallic paints.

A variety of atmospheric lighting arrangements can be set
from the lighting control board.
As the Cross is turned up from within, the subtle lighted scripture is cast upon the surrounding translucent fabrics, ceiling and walls.

hen selecting scripture to be part of the Lighted Cross, family and friends, members of the church, worship and building associates, as well as Citadel contributors and patrons can be invited to share some of their favorite passages.  These can be collected, organized and included in the Lighted Cross for an even more personal connection to the finished artwork.

In addition to scripture the carefully cut words in the Lighted Cross can also include a mission statement, names of team members and contributors to be honored, and dates to be remembered.

or children as well as adults the finished Lighted Cross will inspire a sense of wonder and discovery while enhancing our
praise, worship and celebration for many years to come.

Thank you for your time and interest.

David Sanders
Artist / Designer

Note Regarding Questions: The preceding video presentation and renderings of The Lighted Cross are meant to communicate an art installation concept.  Due to the unique elements of this work it is often difficult to fully express online the artist’s entire vision.  The artist recommends a more in-depth informative conference for those who have questions and would like to better understand the complete art installation.  This can be done in person or by phone and computer were suitable.